Drawing Trigonometric Axes in Python

Again one of these posts where I wonder how many people really need do to what I am about to explain, but who knows? 

Let’s say you want to draw just the trigonometric circle and axes

  1. Copy the TrigAxes() class from my GitHub notebook
  2. Add the following code
# Create the trigonometric axis, you can change the figuresize
axes = TrigAxes(figsize=(4,4))

# Just to plot the trigonometric axes

# You can also save them as an image


Now let’s say you also want to add angles

  1. Copy the TrigAxes() and the Angle() class from my GitHub notebook
  2. Add the following code
# Create the trigonometric axis
axes = TrigAxes(figsize=(5,4))

# Add as many different angles as you like to the axes
axes.addAngle(Angle(30, label='theta1 = 30', color='blue', linewidth=0.02))
axes.addAngle(Angle(-30, label='theta2 = -30', color='red', linewidth=0.02))


Not so bad, right? 🙂